HKU Research  The University of Hong Kong
Department of Computer Science
current research


6 Sept 2002

Exploiting Local Similarity for Efficient Indexing of Paths in Graph Structured Data
Speaker: WANG Lian



XML documents may have partially specified or missing schema information, motivating the use of a structural summary, which can be computed from the data.

These summaries are valuable for evaluating queries. DataGuides and 1-index are two representatives of the summaries. They encoding all pathes information, so that for simple path expression, they can provide exact answer quickly.

However the size of DataGuides and 1-index maybe very large. Is it possible to sacrifice accuracy to reduce the space requirement? In ICDE2002, A(k)-index is proposed , which is a family of approximate structural summaries. As k=1,2,..., the size of it grows larger and it can ensure the answer of simple path of length k(or less) in A(k)-index is an exact answer. This method give us a choice to trade off between space and accuracy.

In this talk DataGuide and 1-index will be briefly introduced as the backgroud.

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