HKU Research  The University of Hong Kong
Department of Computer Science and Information System
current research


18 Oct 2002

XPathLearner: An On-Line Self-Tuning Markov Histogram for XML Path Selectivity Estimation
Speaker: HO Wai Shing



The XML is gaining widespread use as a format for data exchange and storage on the WWW. Queries over XML data require accurate selectivity estimation of path expressions to optimize query execution plans. Selectivity estimation of XML path expression is usually done based on summary statistics about the structure of the underlying XML repository. All previous methods require an off-line scan of the XML repository to collect the statistics. In this talk, I will describe XPathLearner, a method for estimating selectivity of the most commonly used types of path expressions without looking at the XML data. XPathLearner gathers and refines the statistics using query feedback in an on-line manner and is especially suited to queries in Internet scale applications since the underlying XML repositories are likely to be inaccessible or too large to be scanned entirely. Besides the on-line property, XPathLearner ialso has two other novel features: (a) XPath Learner is workload aware in collecting the statistics and thus can be dramatically more accurate than the more costly off-line method under tight memory constraints, and (b) XPathLearner automatically adjusts the statistics using query feedback when the underlying XML data change. The empirically estimated accuracy of XPathLearner on several real data sets are also shown.

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