HKU Research  The University of Hong Kong
Department of Computer Science and Information System
current research


12 Mar 2003

Combinatorial pattern discovery in biological sequences: the TEIRESIAS algorithm
Speaker: ZHANG Ming Hua



The paper presents a new algorithm for the discovery of rigid patterns in biological sequences. The method is combinatorial in nature and able to produce all patterns that appear in at least a (user-defined) minimum number of sequences, yet it manages to be very efficient by avoiding the enumeration of the entire pattern space. Furthermore, the reported patterns are maximal: any reported pattern cannot be made more specific and still keep on appearing at the exact same positions within the input sequences. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is showcased on a number of test cases which aim to: 1. validate the approach through the discovery of previously reported patterns; 2. demonstrate the capability to identify automatically highly selective patterns particular to the sequences under consideration. Finally, experimental analysis indicates that the algorithm is output sensitive, i.e. its running time is quasi-linear to the size of the generated output.

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