HKU Research  The University of Hong Kong
Department of Computer Science
current research


31 Oct 2003

Clustering Objects in Large Spatial Network
Speaker: Ken YIU


A new clustering problem is to perform clustering on objects in spatial network. In real life, the euclidean distance cannot represent the shortest distance of two objects whose locations are constainted. The network model captures these constaints and the actual distance between two objects is defined as their shortest distance in the network. Then, we can perform clustering and to discover interesting properties about the network and the objects.

Previous graph partitioning/clustering algorithms cannot be applied directly transformed. The transformed network can be much more complex and these algoriths are infeasible for large network. Also, most of them are main memory algorithms and they cannot be applied for large problem instances.

Finding the shortest distance of two points in a large network can be expensive. As this operation is frequent in clustering, we focus on how to reduce or amortize the effort for computing shortest distances. First, a disk based representation for storing the network and the model will be proposed. Then, two scalable clustering algorithms for objects in spatial network will be discussed. One of them is based on k-medoids and the other is a density based algorithm. Some preliminary experimental results will be presented. We will also discuss how this model can be used for solving some other related problems.

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