HKU Research  The University of Hong Kong
Department of Computer Science
current research


17 May 2007

Indexing DNA sequences for local similarity search
Speaker: Angela SIU Wing Yan


Local similarity search of DNA sequences is the operation of locating similar regions between the sequences. By comparing the content of DNA sequences among different species, important regions can be revealed and functions and structures of the regions can be deduced. Within the community of biologists, genomists and medical researchers, BLAST, maintained by NCBI of the United States, is one of the most popular tools for local similarity search between sequences being studied and huge genomic databases. The BLAST algorithm applies heuristics to speed up searching, dividing it into four phases: hit generation, ungapped extension, gapped extension and traceback. In our research, we focus on the indexing of DNA sequences in the database to facilitate local similarity search. We have designed a new indexing scheme. Let's call it prefix-suffix hashing scheme. The goal of this scheme is to speed up the first two phases of BLAST and to reduce the processing cost of the later phases.

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