6th International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies (APPT'05), Hong Kong, 27-28 October 2005

Title: Research Issues in Adapting Computing to Small Devices

Abstract: Advances in pervasive and mobile technologies are making computing available to us at anytime anywhere. Availability however does not automatically mean it is in a form that implies ease of use. Usability in the mobile world amounts to a set of problems that are not so much precedented in the history of computing. Handheld mobile devices that are thin-lean-mean for instance present challenges that require fundamental changes in the way computation is carried out, its architecture, or its supporting environment. A practical goal is to minimize these changes, which calls for automatic or semi-automatic adaptation of existent computing to the small devices.

We discuss the issues and research challenges of "X adapting to Y", where X includes content, data, code, computation, GUI, and so on, and the changes in semantics and/or syntax due to the adaptation are to satisfy the constraints of Y. Some experiments we have carried out for content and code adaptation provide some useful illustration.

PPT (5.9M)