
Expert Systems

Expert systems are computer programs capturing both the factual and the experiental knowledge, and where a problem solving engine (inference engine) is also implemented.

Most expert systems are rule-based systems, consisting of 4 parts:

  1. Knowledge Base

  2. Inference Engine

  3. Working memory (WM)

  4. User-interface

An Expert System must have

Why build an expert system?

  1. Replacement of Expert:

  2. Assisting an expert

Example: 1. cook advisor
2. System configuration: XCON/R1

Expert Systems Problem Solving Paradigm

  1. Control

  2. Design

    Example: PEACE û assists engineers to design electronic circuits.

  3. Diagnosis

    Example: NEAT û assist non-technical staff at a help desk troubleshooting data processing and telecommunication network equipment.

  4. Instruction

    Example: GUIDON û instruct medicine students.

  5. Interpretation

    example: FXAA û auditing assistance in foreign exchange trading.

  6. Monitoring

    Example: NAVEX û monitoring radar data and estimates the velocity and position of the space shuttle.

  7. Planning

    Example: PLANPOWER û financial planning for household

  8. Prediction

    example: PLANTû predicting the expected damage to a crop from an invading insect.

  9. Prescription

    Example: BLUEBOX û for depression therapy.

  10. Selection

    example: IREX û assists in the selection of industrial robots in a working environment.

  11. Simulation

    example: STEAMER û simulates and explains the operation of the Navy's 1078-class frigate steam propulsion plant.

Characteristics of an Expert System

  1. Separate Knowledge from Control

  2. Process expert knowledge

  3. focus expertise on a narrow area

  4. reasoning with symbols

  5. Reasoning heuristically

  6. Inexact reasoning

  7. limited to solvable problems.

Expert System vs Conventional Programming

Expert System

Conventional Programming

û Perform task that was previously performed by a knowledgeable human specialist
û Automate complex & time consuming task that previously would have required hundreds or thousands of clerks, capable of collecting processing a large volume of data using complex algorithm.
û maintained by K.E. & experts
û maintained by programmer
û KB readable and easy to modify
û overall structure relied on algorithm
û rely on heuristics
û numerically addressed database
û symbolic processing
û numerical processing
û highly interactive
û sequential/batch
û mid-run explanation easy, can ask WHY, HOW etc.
û mid-run explanation impossible, usually behave in a way only programmer understand

Process of Building an expert system

  1. Assessment û feasibility study and justification

  2. Knowledge Acquisition û acquiring, organizing and studying knowledge.

  3. Design

  4. Testing

  5. Documentation

  6. Maintenance.

Qualification Needed by People

  1. Domain Expert

  2. Knowledge Engineer

  3. End-User

Expert System Shell


EMYCIN û (Empty MYCIN) taking out the rules of MYCIN, leaving the inference engine

KEE û Knowledge Engineering Environment

PC+ û Personal Consultant Plus


Factors considered

  1. Knowledge Representation

  2. Control Strategies in Reasoning

  3. Reasoning with Uncertainty