Artificial Intelligence

  1. Assignment1 [Download PS file]
    Due Date: September 29, 1998
  2. Assignment2/Miniproject [Download PS file]
    {updated September 29, 1998}
    Assignment Due Date: October 13, 1998
    Miniproject Due Date: December 15, 1998
  3. Assignment3 [Download PS file]
  4. Assignment4 [Download PS file]
    [Download the Program Set]
  5. Assignment5 [Download PS file]
    [A minor modification is made in the distance_fast fuzzy set where 0/0 is to replace 1/0, the remaining numbers in the fuzzy set remain unchanged]
  6. Assignment6 [Download PS file]
    Due date is Jan 11, 1999

Last Update: December 4, 1998.